7 Books for Your Kids' Easter Baskets

7 Books for Your Kids' Easter Baskets

Alert! Alert! You have T-minus 2 weeks for Easter basket shopping! I repeat…2 WEEKS AND COUNTING!!

Naturally, planning obsessed Type A Moms, like me, have been done with their shopping for weeks now. And all of the things are sitting right next to Cinnamon, the Elf on the Shelf, in the back of me and hubs’ closet as I type.

I’ve been trying to go for “quality” items in our kids baskets for the past couple of years and have tried avoiding putting, for lack of a better term, “plastic crap” in them. We do PJs or a summer outfit, hardy toys or games, and of course candy. Mostly, I try not to overdo it and make the holiday about “stuff”.

As they’ve grown up, we’ve started to make sure there’s something in there to help them understand or build a relationship with God. It is Easter, after all. The holiday is not purely about Peeps. Thank God, literally, since I could give or take those things.

So, to help you with your Easter basket shopping endeavors, here’s our house’s favorite books we’ve put in our kids baskets!

I think I’m legally obligated to tell you that the pictures are links to Amazon (you’re welcome) and that if you click and then buy any of these, I make approximately 2 whole shiny quarters from the deal. I hope you know by now that this blog is not a profit thing for me, this is just the only way I can get pretty Amazon links in my blog ;o) Happy to send you the 2 shiny quarters, just send me your address.

First off, this book is what I call a “science + God” book. Yes, those two things can and do very much exist together. I think I love this book more than my kids.

This one has 1 page to read for each day of the year, but no pressure to do that. For a couple of years, we left this book on our kitchen table and read a page here and there during dinner time.

This is just a cute little picture book for littles with lots of cuteness about all the things God gives us that we can be grateful for (friends, warm muffins, carrots, etc)

Here’s one perfect for a young reader to read on their own (2nd - 6th grade, maybe?). It’s another 1 page per day and does a great job of tying real modern-day kid-life in with God.

We don’t have this (yet!), but apparently there’s one specifically for boys…

…and girls. I guess we just have the gender-neutral version with a cute teal bird on it.

This one is going in our little man’s basket this year. Shhhhh!

Hoppy Shopping!

P.S. - Check in with me on Facebook/IG this week and I’ll show you what else is going in their baskets!

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