Thoughts on Ukraine

Thoughts on Ukraine

I always struggle to post anything political on social media. It feels pointless and trendy.

Ukraine is especially hard.

Thanks to those of you who have texted or DMed asking about our family and friends there πŸ’™πŸ’›

I held back tears most of Thursday. Sad for the people of Ukraine. Sad for our family in America worried about friends and family in Ukraine. Sad for the future.

I also held back tears when I saw stories of the people of Poland standing with open arms at their border (which felt especially meaningful if you know the history between those two countries).

So I will say the cliche:

Pray for Ukraine.

Pray for the people of Ukraine that they will have peace and shelter.

Pray for the soldiers of Ukraine that they will have stamina and safety.

But I will also say (and for the record, I will probably get crucified for saying this on social media):

Pray for Russia.

That’s what Jesus says to do. That’s the part of that Christianity feels all sideways and hard πŸ₯΄ Anyone can pray for Ukraine. That’s the easy and obvious part.

Praying for our enemies is not for the faint of heart.

Pray for the people of Russia, the vast majority who have no say in this and who will now have to live with the stigma of simply being Russian.

Pray for Russian leaders and soldiers, that their hearts will be softened to peaceful solutions.

And lastly, pray for all of us. The whole world. That this would be an opportunity to come together in love and nothing else.

πŸ’™for the blue skies

πŸ’›for the wheat fields

With love and a heavy heart,

Your half-Ukrainian, half-Polish Chicago / Idaho girl Erica

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