The 4 Reasons I Don’t Hate February Anymore

The 4 Reasons I Don’t Hate February Anymore

Once upon a time, I hated February. Like loathed it. I mean, even the people who invented the calendar must have hated it since they gave it the least number of days of all the months of the year.

December has the holidays. January has this beautiful post-holiday peace and relaxation and excitement of a new year. And March, while it still feels like winter in all the places we’ve lived, holds the hope of a few warmer, snow-less days here and there.

But February? Ugh. It’s cold and has nothing exciting. I dreaded it for years.

But something in the past few years has turned my feelings for February for the better. Maybe it’s the calm and simplicity of February versus the stark contrast of the holiday hustle just a month prior. I’ve learned to embrace it as a time to breathe.

If you need a little February kick-in-the-pants, here are a few reasons I no longer hate our little munchkin of a month:

  1. There’s no bad weather, just bad clothing

    While you might feel “stuck” indoors in the dead of winter, there’s no reason to! Just bundle up and take a quick spin around the block or hike in a local forest preserve or park. Is it just me or is everything quieter outside in the winter? Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, get outside. The sunshine and crisp air will give you energy and remind you that there is life outside your four walls.

  2. Embrace the great indoors and RELAX

    If your year goes anything like mine, February is your last chance for sanity. With March comes the swirl of the rest of the year that is spring break, the end of the school year, and summer vacation (that seems to go on forever). Now’s the time to be intentional about cozying up. At least 2 nights during the week, light a candle, pour some hot tea, and curl up with a warm blanket and a good book. Most importantly, don’t feel bad about it.

  3. Valentine’s Day - I know, I know…go ahead and roll your eyes

    I used to also hate Valentine’s Day and all the contrived commercialism that it brought. But after making it through the Christmas season (that has somehow turned into being about gift-buying for every family member in your lineage, your kids’ teachers, and the garbage man), I’ve decided that Valentine’s Day is a day I get to make sure my husband, daughter, and son feel that I love them - in a stress-free, inexpensive way. It turns out I rather enjoy that.

  4. It’s still soup and baking season

    Trust me, the last thing you’re going to want to do in July is stand over a hot pot of soup. And, as my mom ingrained in me, we mustn’t EVER get the oven going in the summer (“We’re not heating up the house!”). So while you’re enjoying the great indoors and cozying up, simmer some soup and bake some bread - the kind that takes aaaall daaaay to make. Enjoy all the last flavors of this season.

And when all else fails, just remember that spring is right around the corner and daylight savings is only a month away.

You’ve almost made it through winter!

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