All in Life

Christmas Lessons From Our 10-Year-Old

We have a 10-year-old daughter and she knows. Like…she KNOWS. Christmas morning. Santa. She knows.

It happened last summer after she had just turned 9. It started with the Tooth Fairy and the conversation quickly turned to the Jolly Old Elf.

The Shame We Carry

Many years ago, before I met my husband, I was in a pretty serious relationship. As far as I could tell at the time, this was the person I was going to marry. Obviously, that didn’t happen.

Small Town, America: 1 Year Later

If you’ve followed this blog from the beginning, you know that last year, my husband and I moved from my home turf of suburban Chicago to his home turf of rural Idaho.

Well, we’ve officially reached the 1-year mark. One year of living in Small Town, America.

Moving Forward

If you’re reading this post on the morning I’m releasing it, I’m likely on an airplane right now. Odds are, my husband dropped me and our kids off at the Salt Lake City airport in the wee hours of the morning, and the three of us are totally masked and sanitized on an airplane.

Mother's Day 2020

It was a piece of paper that would follow me around for the next decade.  I would have it under a magnet on the refrigerator in some years.  For other years, I would know exactly what shoe box it was in, and I would dig out the paper as the hot tears of young motherhood streamed down my face.

The Styrofoam Plate

I told someone “No” last week. And it was hard. I felt so guilty that I’m still thinking about it now.

In general, I like to say “Yes”. Actually, I love to say “Yes”. I love to feel like I can do it all and make everyone happy.

People pleaser, reporting for duty!

It’s easy to say “no” to people you don’t like. But what about the ones you do like?