All in Career

Is Prince Harry the Ultimate Path-Changer?

First and foremost, please know that I don’t obsessively follow the royal family. Seriously. But a picture of Prince Harry will always catch my eye scroll through my news feed or the actual news. While every other woman in the English-speaking world is eyeing Prince whatever-his-name-is, I’m oogling the little red-haired, renegade brother.

Your Path: Changing Your Career Path

Whether we’re in our 20s or 50s, we look up from our company-issued, laminated office desk and try to remember the passion our 20-year-old self had for the job we chose.  When is it “too late” to change directions?  Is it ever “too late”?

Choosing Joy

So I accepted the role…I took the money.  I took the bigger title.  I took the nicer office. I was going to prove working moms could do it all without missing a beat.

You can guess how this went.

It. Was. Terrible.