2019-20 Book List

2019-20 Book List

Each year, I set a goal for myself to read at least 12 books. I know that’s not a lot. I’m not a speed reader, but I do enjoying reading. And I figure if I read at least one book a month, it will keep me from binging on shows like Tiger King (otherwise known as 7 hours of my life I will never get back).

This past year, I beat my goal and logged about 20 books between September and August! (I operate on an academic calendar.)

Take a browse below to see what I read and a quick 1-2 sentence review. The picture itself will take you straight to Amazon to read the details.

Enjoy and I hope you find something you might like! And please send me your recommendations for this year! (I love non-fiction, business, and self-betterment, but will sneak in fiction if it comes with a high recommendation)

Really nitty gritty advice on running a remote, hands-off business. He also really loves to talk about all the amazing things he does all over the world. ::eye roll::

Really good read on how Jesus interacted with some key women in the New Testament.

First, I love Jen Hatmaker. This book reads like a 7-month blog where Jen diaries giving up something we generally have in excess. Loved it.

Fascinating read from a local-to-southeast Idaho woman. Just fascinating…

This book is part art, part book. The writing style is as flowery as the artwork, but the message is there.

It’s the second time I read this book. …and I don’t read books twice. Enough said?

Kids chapter book on starting a new school and being true to yourself. Highly recommended for your 3rd-6th grader. (Not my normal genre…I read it for the PTO at school.)

Chip Gaines (yes, Joanna Gaines’ husband….Fixer Upper on HGTV….you got it) writes an incredibly motivating “go get ‘em” book. Highly recommended if you’re looking for any kind of inspiration to do something with your life.

Sometimes what Americans call a battle, Native People call a massacre. Local Utahan, Darren Parry writes the Shoshone side of an event that happened near Thatcher, ID. Highly recommended for anyone local.

FICTION ALERT!! I only read this because I got a free copy from our old library, but dang it was a page turner. Added bonus that it was Young Adult, so it didn’t creep me out before bed.

Nerdy business money book (my favorite…drool….) about running a for-profit business………for…….profit. It’s a novel concept. But it kinda made the accountant in me cringe.

Same guy that wrote the last one. This one is about niching your business (which is apparently just like growing giant pumpkins).

Beautiful Outlaw talks through the very real and relatable humanity of Jesus. He was a baby who pooped in a diaper, who grew up to be a man who flipped tables in the Temple when people were disrespecting it. It was a really good perspective.

Love Jen Hatmaker (still) and her ability to speak reality. She runs the gamut on everything in this book.

Ree Drummond’s (yes, the Pioneer Woman on Food Network) memoir on meeting her husband and going country. I can’t relate at all. She wrote it like fiction. It was so good.

Need a quick pick-me-up? This is it! The title speaks for itself.

Fiction Alert! 1930s rural Kentucky woman in a failing marriage volunteers to bring library books to backcountry families. A delicious pot of varied plot lines.

Remember that part where Jesus said “love your neighbor”? I think he meant it, and this is the life application of doing just that.

Want to shoot for a goal to read 12 books this year? Let’s do it together! Shoot me a DM on Instagram/Facebook!!


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