Your Path: Intro

Your Path: Intro

If you’re a regular reader here, I’ll be doing something a little different in the coming weeks.  I’d like to hunker down and focus a bit – specifically, about the paths we find ourselves on.  Each week, you’ll see a new post centered around this topic.

It’s no surprise that each of us is on our own life-path – unique in its own way.  Like snowflakes and sunsets, no two journeys will, or should, ever match.  That being said, I believe there are 2 – maybe 3 – ways of getting onto the route we find ourselves on.

Here’s how I see it:

You can either (A) wander down the path you started in your younger years, and continue to follow the beaten path of footprints left before you


You can (B) deliberately walk down your chosen path and, on a regular cadence, look up from your intentional steps and confirm that you still want to be on the path you’re on.

I think there’s also a third option where sometimes life has a frustrating way of bucking us off our chosen path without any consideration of our own opinion (hello family loss, health issues, marriage strife, etc).  When that’s the case, I think we get to start at square one…again…and we get to choose to be a wanderer or be intentional on our new-found path.

So the next few posts will be part of a series called “Your Path” centered around the path our lives take, or better yet, the paths we put our lives on.  Sit tight and stay tuned.  I’m so glad you’re here!

Sneak Peek to the ‘Your Path’ Series

Your Path:  Changing Your Career Path

Your Path:   The Path Your Free Time Takes

Your Path:  When Faith Walks Across Your Path

Is Prince Harry the Ultimate Path-Changer?

Your Path: Changing Your Career Path

Your Path: Changing Your Career Path

Wait...Christmas is ACTUALLY about Joy?

Wait...Christmas is ACTUALLY about Joy?