Is Prince Harry the Ultimate Path-Changer?

Is Prince Harry the Ultimate Path-Changer?

First and foremost, please know that I don’t obsessively follow the royal family. Seriously.

But a picture of Prince Harry will always catch my eye as I scroll through my news feed. While every other woman in the English-speaking world is eyeing Prince whatever-his-name-is, I’m oogling the little red-haired, renegade brother.

I know, I know…insert wife-judgement here. My husband knows this too, so he’s likely rolling his eyes as he reads this. By the way, my husband was a redhead when we met (beautifully bald now), so at least I’m consistent.

Enough about my high school crushing…

If you missed it in the past few weeks, Prince Harry and new-ish wife Meghan announced that they would like to “pursue becoming financially independent from the royal family”.

I’m sorry, come again?

The couple literally has the keys to the country and they’d like to turn them in.

The news around this states that they no longer want to be financially supported by British taxpayers (wow, that’s honest), and that they’d like to spend a majority of their time in Canada (well, that’s almost America).

But wow. I can’t blame them, but it’s a bold move, no less. Harry’s not the oldest son in the family, so if my math is right, there are 5 people (granny, dad, big bro, and a couple of nephews) in his family who need to kick the bucket for him to take the throne.

I’m not sure what age you fully feel second-rate in your own family, but judging by some of Harry’s media press, it might have started in his teenage years. (Coming from someone who doesn’t pay too much attention to the royal family, ahem.)

So now we, potentially, have an adult who feels just “there” on the path that he’s been dealt. A cushy path, no doubt, but a path that he didn’t choose and seemingly can’t change.

Have you ever felt like that? You’ve been dealt a comfy hand, but it hasn’t necessarily led to a fulfilling life?

It feels funny, doesn’t it? Are you allowed to complain if you’ve been given a good lot in life, but it doesn’t make you happy?

Enter inner turmoil.

So as the story goes here, my Prince (I mean Prince Harry) marries supportive, lovable Meghan (oh come on, even I love her!), in seemingly true love. Because if you marry a prince and then agree to publicly announce that you’re going to refuse any financial support from your new ROYAL in-laws, that can’t be anything less than true love.

So the equation in my brain is now going something like this:

Life Goals + Supportive Spouse = Path-Changing Potential

Friends, this ridiculous post is meant to be nothing more than motivation (and a minor amount of self-deprecation of my fondness for Harry). If Harry and Meghan can turn in the keys to their castle (quite literally), in pursuit of chasing what makes THEM happy…what’s stopping you?

Do the thing.

Make the move.

Follow your dream.

Whatever it is, I doubt you’ll be giving up a castle.

Thanks for reading…now I have to go Insta-stalk Harry and Meghan.

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