All in Life

Is Prince Harry the Ultimate Path-Changer?

First and foremost, please know that I don’t obsessively follow the royal family. Seriously. But a picture of Prince Harry will always catch my eye scroll through my news feed or the actual news. While every other woman in the English-speaking world is eyeing Prince whatever-his-name-is, I’m oogling the little red-haired, renegade brother.

Your Path: The Path Your Free Time Takes

I want to touch on the path our free time takes.  You remember free time, right?  That’s the time we squeeze in between work and sleep…and chores and errands and running the kids everywhere?  I specifically want to talk about putting your weekends on a path where free time actually feels like free time.

Gifts For Good

I’m going to do something a little different today.  I want to share a few thoughtful gift options for this (or any) season.  And the very cool thing about these gifts is, get this…When you buy these gifts, you’re ALSO supporting an awesome cause.

Whaaaaat?  You get to love on your family and friends thoughtfully AND give to a worthy organization?  Sign. Me. Up.